If all scientific discovery relies on peer review for validation, why not assessment be done through peer review?

All scientific discovery relies on peer review for validation,
Why not the assessment of schools and colleges be done through peer review?

Peer Review definition:
evaluation of scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the same field.

In case of open peer review, the reviewer reports are published which can again go through auditing.

Benefits of open peer review:
1) Feedback to the students
After a test, feedback to the student becomes a crucial part of their learning. Feedback can be in many forms such as detailed corrections of the answers, making their misconceptions corrected for a particular concept, identifying their specific problems and asking them to take necessary steps to improve.
2) Time-saving of teachers
As this can be done in a collaborative manner, it will give freedom to any teacher from the respective subjects to annotate the assessments, the burden is no more to the individual teacher, it will be shared among the country or world. The burden of evaluation is not only shared among teachers but also computer by different statistical packages.
3) Microscopic analysis
Imagine how hectic the evaluation of assessment is by an individual teacher for a class of 50 students. Because of it, teachers are bound to miss the details of the problems of students. But this no more a problem with open peer review, due to shared work. If you have not identified the problem, it's more likely that someone else will identify it and address it.
4) Authenticity
Open peer review makes assessment most authentic, accurate and unbiased. Prejudice of teacher can be easily identified and corrected by experts.
5) Easy citation
Feedback to the students can be evidence-based, and useful research articles can be cited to back the feedback. It will help them to distinguish between facts and myths.
6) Earning microcredits
Students no longer have to study for obtuse macroscopic grades, they have to study to reach their learning goals. Education will be more personalized, students can earn credits to reach each learning goal.
A proper algorithm is required to be free from spammers and inapposite posts to gain incentives, that nullify the effect of Campbell's Law.

"The more any quantitative social indicator is used for social decision-making, the more subject it will be to corruption pressures and the more apt it will be to distort and corrupt the social processes it is intended to monitor."

7) Diversity in learning
Students can learn topics that are unimaginable now because of strict syllabus system. Be it social justice for science students, cutting-edge technology of economics such as blockchain or logical fallacy of philosophy. Students can do projects as they like that solves real problem. For each one, they can earn microcredits.
8) Easy recruitment
As the data of assessment are easily available, recruiter can choose and hire the right candidate with ease based upon their real project works.


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