Framework for collaborative design of curriculum in Schools, Colleges and Universities

India requires a website for National Curriculum Framework for collaborative design of curriculum in Schools, Colleges and Universities

In India, curriculum/syllabus of different subjects is usually obsolete. To make things, even more, worse, different states and university have a different syllabus which they never update based on present and future requirement. Also, getting a degree in advanced specialization course e.g. such as Machine Learning, Robotics is a distance dream in India.

What a website of National Curriculum Framework needs to solve?

1) Should be used to for collaborative design of curriculum, where everyone is free to suggest their inputs, whether University lecturers, researchers, entrepreneurs, students etc. It will bring everyone on one platform.

2) Different colleges and Universities, need not have to design a different syllabus for a single subject, but a single syllabus will do, by an inclusive effort of everyone. CBCS will take care of the diversity/autonomy they want e.g. if they want to include some special topics based on the regional requirement, or if they want to remove a part of it if they want to address some other parts in detail.
College specific syllabus is allowed, but it should match the current need of students, not based on the availability of teachers on the subject. (e.g. most schools teach C++ rather than python because the lack of availability of teacher to teach the subject. But for it, teachers can be trained, no need to use outdated syllabus)

3) Statistical data of how many are opting for a particular part of choice based syllabus must be taken. Feedback must be given to the college by collecting data of students opting a topic and market demand of specific skill so that more/less student can opt for a particular topic of choice based syllabus, every semester.

4) Curriculum update can be done in a fast-paced way, with involving everyone.

5) As it will be a peer-reviewed syllabus, there will be least chances of anything missing in it, least/no errors, most detailed.

6) The syllabus can be more detailed so that students and teachers understand what the objective of the topics is, and what will be the learning outcomes after completing a topic and also what projects/practicals should be given to students in a detailed and comprehensive way.

7) It will make the project and problem-based learning real, as we can get innovative ideas of projects from different teachers and students.

8) A unified syllabus will help in credit transfer between different colleges.

9) All the curriculum at one place, so easy to find, no need to go for different websites to know what they are offering in the course.

10) Everyone can make their contribution in their own pace and time.


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