CBSE and other boards, All about rote memorization of abstract information

Most questions of CBSE 12th board, all requires rote memorization of abstract information that adds no understanding to the subject.

Let us analyze the style of question in CBSE:

This is the question from book Nivaldo J Tro:

The question gives some background knowledge,  structures are already given and the question really tests your understanding, not how much you have memorized.

Answer:  Option Vitamin C and Vitamin B5 are water soluble as it contains many polar groups and others have large nonpolar groups (Vit K3 and Vit A) so its fat soluble.

What type of questions you will expect in CBSE?
Name the water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins?
or Something like is Vitamin C water soluble? (The structure of Vitamin C will not be given)
How are vitamins classified? Name the vitamin which is fat soluble.

"All these questions require rote memorization of vitamins:"

Fat soluble vitamins are A D E and K
Water soluble vitamins are Vitamin B

So, just rote memorization is enough, you needn't have to understand why A, D, E and K are fat-soluble. Even if you understood it, still you have to do lot of rote memorization (may be using mnemonics)

Let's compare some more questions:

Questions on polymer:

So in the question itself, monomers structures are already given. You have to use your understanding to get the polymer out of it.

In CBSE questions will be like this:

Write the names and structures of the monomers of the following polymers:
i) Polystyrene ii) Dacron iii) Teflon

Arrange the following polymers in the increasing order of their intermolecular forces (the structure are not given, so you have to memorize all those abstract structures to get the answers)
Polystyrene, Terylene, Buna-s

Our book contains about 30 complicated structures and complicated names of polymers and its monomers, which you have to rote memorize.

In science, using only a few fundamental concepts, all other concepts are built upon it.

Take the example of organic chemistry, it's all about book-keeping of electrons and mechanisms (e.g. ARIO: Atom, Resonance, Induction, Orbital).

In organic chemistry or any subject, questions must be descriptive with diagrams (pairing graphics with words study strategy) that make you curious to solve, even if you don't know the answer.

Look at this question:
Compare the following compounds, which compound is more acidic?

It tests the understanding of the induction effect. Even if you don't know about induction effect, you will try to think about it and predict something, if you know Cl is more electronegative.

But our board will only ask rote memorization abstract questions just as
ISC question in Organic Chemistry

"All books must be removed from recommendation if it doesn't meet the learning criteria from next session. This is the most important thing we need to do to save our children and all future generations."


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