Hilarious pedagogy tests of India

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Questions that you can't stop laughing...

1. Which statement is not applicable to objective type of question?
a) More content can be covered.
b) Correct measurement is possible.
c) Quick and correct valuation is possible
d) Measuring more than one learning objective is possible.

Well, the answer is bit unambiguous, like any other standard examination, correct measurement of student ability is not possible.
Yes, in objective type questions, more content can be covered, quick and correct valuation is possible (I mean is possible, but most of the time error in valuation occurs, there may be many different reasons for it). Also measuring more than one learning objective is also possible if question setter works on it.

2. "Nothing succeeds like success", this statement is based on which law of learning as propounded by Thorndike?
a) Practice
b) Readiness
c) Effect
d) Recency

Nothing succeeds like success means "success leads to opportunities for further and greater successes".
Law of Effect: State that when a connection between stimulus and response is accompanied by satisfying state, its strength is increased. On the other hand, when a connection is accompanied by an annoying state of affairs, its strength is reduced or weakened. The saying "nothing succeeds like success" goes very well with the law. Thorndike revised this law in 1930 and according to this revision, he stated that reward strengthened the response but the punishment did not always weaken the response. Then he places more emphasis on the reward aspect than on the punishment aspect of Law of Effect.

So the answer is Effect.

My only problem with the question is, it's very straightforward and direct. Just memorize some books or random quizzes, without understanding the law of effect and also not even understanding what Nothing succeeds like success means, you can answer this question. Wouldn't it be better if the question was experiment based, giving an experiment where you have to give the answer whether the reward creates more impact or punishment?

3) Which is not a sub-law of "Law of Practice"?
a) Law of Set
b) Law of Use
c) Law of Disuse
d) Law of Recency

So, what is Law of Practice? It is related to Thorndike. I couldn't find anything about it by searching. What is Law of Set, Use, Disuse? Seems the question is taken from a particular book, and thrown here.

4) What is the proper method of remedial learning?
a) Home task
b) Group discussion by the teacher
c) Co-operative learning
d) Practisation

Oh, my grammar checker is showing a mistake in the word practisation, neither google knows it, but it suggest practice.
So, what do you think the proper method of remedial learning will be:
I think any of it can be remedial learning and even none of it can be a remedial learning.
If remedial learning means identifying deficiencies in reading, writing, and other subjects and correcting it, any of these will work if done in a proper way.

5. According to Terman, what is the intelligence quotient of gifted children?
a) 100
b) 100 and 120
c) 120 to 140
d) More than 140

Which ability of the examiner is tested in this question? The important question would be how to test the IQ, is there any proper method for it, no. A musical prodigy may not be good at doing the calculation, a poet may not be good at creating music. Leave about human, can you say humans are more intelligent than birds and mammals like a dolphin. IQ is only tested based on the context. You can't say it whether a child is gifted or disabled. A disabled can also be gifted.

6. Which method is not useful for identifying slow-learners?
a) Intelligence testing
b) Interview the parents
c) Observation by teachers
d) Achievement testing

Another ambiguous question.  All of the above can be useful for identifying slow-learners, and none of the above can be useful for identifying slow-learners. That depends on how you use these methods to identify slow learners. There is no perfect method for it.

7. Which is an example of intrinsic motivation?
a) Aspiration
b) Praise
c) Encouragement
d) Prize

Is this question related to pedagogy? I used simple logic to solve it. As aspiration comes from inside it's intrinsic and as other things are done by outward force, so extrinsic. Even, encouragement comes from both extrinsic and intrinsic. Also, think about self-praising.

I have reviewed 7 questions, now. There are 30 questions.


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