Ideas need to be implemented in and Education Portal

Its just a rough sketch about the Idea
Update Aug 25th, 2015


Features like plagiarism checker should be used in every schools and colleges so that projects can't be copied. Moreover projects should be computer typed not hand written.

Personalized page for every subscriber.

Questions creation section, questions must require critical thinking in order to solve

Question analysis section:

All the exam questions in schools and colleges must be uploaded in the website after examination and then analysis section would be there, where students and teachers all over the country could analyze it.
Analysis can be based upon:
1) Whether the question pattern favors critical thinking or rote learning.
2) How difficult or easy is the question pattern?
3) Is there any mistakes in the questions? etc.

Syllabus section:

Syllabus section for each subject must be made for different universities or schools, where discussion about the syllabus is made.
Following discussions can be made such as:
What are the things that need to be included in the syllabus of a subject?
Which topics are missing in the syllabus?
Which topics are not required in the syllabus?
Is syllabus upto date? etc.

Reference books section:

Students and teachers can provide reference books for a subject or topic and should discuss about it in detail.
Which book is good for particular subject?
What are the demerits of this book?
Is the book easy to understand etc.

Discussion on effective teaching techniques

Rating system for teachers,where student can rate the teachers and give feedback to the teachers openly.

Automation of administrative records entry on website:
A framework should be added for administrative records, so that teachers (especially in govt. schools) don't waste time in maintaining the records. Records can include monthly expenses etc. (whether food, apparatus etc) of the govt schools and colleges. This will also increase the transparency and decrease corruption and also easy to check it by govt.

Automation of time table records should also be done.

All International and National Conferences in different universities should be recorded and made available online.   Click here

Business Model: Click here

Please also visit: for more details.


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