Producing a better secure electoral voting system

Here is the complete procedure to make a secure voting system. We require a unique key for every voter. The unique key is generated by using: 1) Public Key: Voter Id or Adhaar Number 2) Private key: A random key (6-8 character alphanumeric key) from mind, at the time of voting 3) Vote symbol A read-only machine generates a unique key using the cryptographic function on the public key, private key and vote symbol. Then ballot paper is printed from the machine that has the unique key. The voter casts its vote in the ballot paper. The votes in ballot paper are counted using a machine and also the scan of the ballot paper is uploaded on the website after results are declared. Machine learning has become so powerful that it can count the vote without any error. When the result is declared the public can check whether that ballot paper (that has the unique key) exists on the website with the correct voting symbol. The voter can authenticate that his/her vote has been ...